The Omega Model 8002 Nutrition
Center is Omega's newest single gear, masticating juice extractor that will
serve all of your juicing needs and many other needs, such as mincing, grinding,
homogenizing, etc. The 8002 model replaces the 8001. Both models use the single
gear extraction method, but the new 8002 model features a patented auger that features two
stage juice extraction which helps to increase yield over single stage auger juicers.
This unit is a "multiple use" appliance that
actually does all of its uses very well. Most appliances that are built for more than one
use tend to compromise one task or another. But the Omega Model 8002 Nutrition Center
excels at all of its functions.
The 8002 auger turns at a low 80 RPMs to ensure that
nothing is lost through heated elements in your juice. This low speed also helps the Omega
8002 foam less than a double gear style juicer.
This heavy-duty juicer features a patented, stone mill-like
screw, made of hygienic U.S. FDA-approved melamine, which prevents poisonous heavy metals
from mixing with your fresh juices.
The Omega 8002 Nutrition Center's low speed of 80 RPM's
ensures full taste and the highest nutritional value.
The Omega 8002 Nutrition Center is easy to assemble and
disassemble for quick cleaning.
The Omega 8002 Nutrition Center assures you many years of
trouble-free, dependable service. Ten-year warranty on all parts and labor.
The 8002 has multiple uses:
- Vegetable Juicer
- Fruit Juicer
- Wheat Grass Juicer
- Mincing/Chopping
- Grinding
- Pasta and Noodle Extruder
- Frozen Dessert Maker
- Nut Butters
- Baby Foods
Just look at some of the things the Omega 8002 Nutrition
Center can do:
Juice Extractor
Omega 8002 Nutrition Center efficiently juices hard and soft fruits: even citrus
fruits, usually one of the hardest fruits to juice.
Vegetable Juice
The Omega 8002 Nutrition Center juices all kinds of vegetables including carrots,
beets, celery, peppers, and radishes without destroying the natural flavor and nutritional
benefits. Fresh taste and full nutrition are guaranteed with this unique extraction
Wheatgrass and Leafy Greens
Wheatgrass, kale, chard, cabbage, spinach, and pine tree needles are just some of
the natural products that can be juiced with the Omega 8002 Nutrition Center. Enjoy
the best that nature offers in raw foods of all kinds and juice them for full nutritional
Food Processor
The Omega 8002 Nutrition Center cops and minces, proving natural flavor and
nutrition from garlic, scallions, red pepper, ginger and most other foods, including herbs
and seasonings. Soft foods for special diets (i.e. babies and geriatric patients)
are quick and easy to prepare with the mincing set-up.
Extruder (cooked)
Home made spaghetti, linguini or breadsticks can be extruded in just minutes with
the included pasta nozzles.
Make fresh frozen desserts, natural baby food and nut butters using your fresh
ingredients. Tip: Try peeling some ripe bananas, freezing in a zip lock bag, and
then put it through the 8002!
Grind coffee beans, flour and even boneless meats.

Special Features of the Omega 8002
Nutrition Center:
Drum Cap Pressure Adjustment
The Omega 8002 Nutrition Center has an adjustable drum cap at the front of the
machine which allows you to control the pressure while you're juicing so you get the most
out of your fruit and vegetables. For example, to juice fibrous root vegetable like
carrots you would screw the drum cap in quite tight, whereas for softer vegetables and
fruit you would release the pressure and allow the auger more room to separate juice from
pulpy fruits.
Two Juicing Screens
While centrifugal juicers will produce a mushy pulp from fruits, the Omega 8002
Nutrition Center has a fruit juicing screen with larger holes than the vegetable screen
which allows the fruit juice to be more readily separated from the pulp.
For example:
- Use the fruit juicing strainer for SOFT produce, such as:
pears, strawberries, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, yams, and aloe plant.
- Use the vegetable juicing strainer for FIRM produce, such as:
carrots, radishes, beet tops, spinach, wheat grass, apple, oranges, grapes, celery, kale
and pine tree needles.
Exclusive to Omega
New Patented Two-Stage System Provides the maximum Efficiency
and Versatility

Outperforms one-stage crushing system |
- Single Gear "Masticating" Extraction
- Low Rotation Speed of 80 RPMs. Powerful motor chews the
plant fibers and penetrates membrane to extract vitamins, enzymes, and mineral content.
- Continuous juicing with Automatic Pulp Ejection
- High juice yield - very dry pulp
- Single gear produces less foam than double gears
- No heat rise promotes a healthier juice
- Heavy duty construction using the highest quality materials
- Engineered for quiet operation and long-life
- Built-in "reverse" prevents clogging
- User friendly - easy to assemble, operate and clean.
- No separate attachments needed
- 10 year Limited Warranty
- UL and cUL approved
- Size: 11.5" H x 8" W x 16.5" L
- 120 volts 60 Hz 150 watts
- 1/3 HP Single Phase Induction
- Screw RPM (75 to 85)
- Gear Length: 7.5" tip to tip
Omega 8002 Nutrition Center Parts:
